# Permit layers

Permits can be linked with one or more layers to provide detailed context about the area of interest. This association helps in:

  • Identifying what features exist in or near the permit area
  • Visualizing the impact or scope of the permit.

# Associating layers with permits

Layers can be associated with permits in one of two ways. Either:

  • The permit controller adds one or more layers to a category template. Any permits that include this category will inherit the association with this layer. This association cannot be removed.
  • The permit requester or permit controller can add any additional layers they think are relevant to the scope of the permit. Layers added in this way can be removed at a later time if required.

# Versioning

When layer data is revised, these changes are automatically reflected in the associated permit document. This feature ensures that:

  • The public facing document will only ever display the latest layer data.
  • A historical record is maintained, showing the state of the layers at any given time.
  • Permit user accountability is promoted by tracking changes and updates over time.

# Example Workflow

  1. Creating a Layer: A user creates a new vector or raster layer and adds spatial data.
  2. Associating the Layer with a Permit: When requesting a permit the requester associates this layer with the permit.
  3. Revising Layer Data: If changes are made to the layer data (e.g., updates to the spatial information), these changes are automatically reflected in the permit document.
  4. Version Creation: A new version of the permit document is created to capture the state of the layers at the time of the revision.
  5. Historical Record: Permit controllers can access previous versions of the permit document to review the historical state of the layers, ensuring transparency and accountability.
Last Updated: 07/06/2024