# What is a Civillo administrator?

An administrator (admin) in Civillo is a user with various additional privileges as described below. Admins in Civillo are scoped at two levels; organization and project.

An organization admin is able to create, archive and delete projects within that organization as well as manage users (invite other users and alter user privileges) at the organization level. An organization admin is by default an admin of every project inside the organization.

A project admin can manage users at the project level as well as manage project-wide content and settings such as groups and layers. These are described in detail later in this documentation.

If a user is viewing a project of which they are an admin then they will have a link to the administration view in their navigation bar. In the administration view there is a left menu pane which will contain links to admin pages at the project level and, if the user is also an organization admin, at the organization level.

Last Updated: 02/05/2024