POST requests are made to create or assign layers to a directory.

# Create a directory or assign a layer to the root of the directory structure

POST /{organizationNickname}/projects/{projectId}/layer-directory/children

Header Parameters

Name Description
Authorization String Civillo API Credentials

Body Parameters

Body parameters must be in valid json format. Exactly one parameter is required.

# 1 .Create a new directory in the root folder:

Name Description
name String Required if creating a directory. The name of the directory to be created in the root folder.
    "name": "My New Folder"

# 2. Assign a layer to the root folder:

Name Description
layerId Integer Required if assigning a layer. The id of the layer to be assigned to the root folder.
    "layerId": 122

Example output

200 OK

# Create a directory or assign a layer to a sub-directory

POST /{organizationNickname}/projects/{projectId}/layer-directory/{directoryId}/children

Header Parameters

Name Description
Authorization String Civillo API Credentials

Body Parameters

Body parameters must be in valid json format. Exactly one parameter is required.

Name Description
name String Required if creating a directory. The name of the sub-directory to be created in the folder.
Name Description
layerId Integer Required if assigning a layer. The id of the layer to be assigned to the directory.

Example output

200 OK

Last Updated: 08/08/2023