PUT requests are made to update the layer directory structure and assign/reassign layers.

# Create a directory and/or assign a layer to a directory

PUT /{organizationNickname}/projects/{projectId}/layer-directory

Update the layer directory structure. This method will attempt to create a directory structure with the path you provide. You can also assign or reassign a layer to this directory.

Header Parameters

Name Description
Authorization String Civillo API Credentials

Body Parameters

Body parameters must be in valid json format.

Name Description
path Required. The directory path you wish to create and/or assign a layer to.
layerId If provided, will attempt to assign this layer to the directory at the given path. If the layer is already assigned to a directory, it will be reassigned.

# Examples

# Create a directory

PUT /{organizationNickname}/projects/{projectId}/layer-directory
    "path": "path/to/my/new/directory"

# Assign or reassign a layer the root directory

PUT /{organizationNickname}/projects/{projectId}/layer-directory
    "path": "",
    "layerId": 1

# Assign or reassign a layer to an existing directory

PUT /{organizationNickname}/projects/{projectId}/layer-directory
    "path": "path/to/my/existing/directory",
    "layerId": 2

# Assign or reassign a layer to a newly created directory

PUT /{organizationNickname}/projects/{projectId}/layer-directory
    "path": "path/to/my/non/existant/directory",
    "layerId": 3
Last Updated: 08/08/2023