# Getting started

# What is Civillo?

Civillo is an application for managing construction geospatial data.

Construction sites are dynamic and complex environments where there are constant changes in the state of infrastructure - above and below ground. In such environments it is critical to know the location and status of existing, newly constructed, and design infrastructure. Furthermore, this information must be easy to access and available in a timely fashion.

To address this need Civillo has been developed, a web-mapping platform tailored specifically to construction projects. Civillo provides a single point of access to design data, existing conditions information, as-built data, photos, and reports (documents, spreadsheets, PDFs).

Importantly, as-built survey data and reports are available immediately after processing, ensuring that the design, construction, and management teams have access to up-to-date information on construction progress and the location and status of all infrastructure on the site.

Last Updated: 20/05/2021