# Documents

For each of these tasks, open your project, click Administration from the navigation bar then click Documents in the left sidebar.

# Upload document files

To upload documents, follow the steps below.

  1. Under Documents, click Upload File and choose one or many documents to upload.

  2. Optionally assign tags by separating them with commas as shown below.

  3. Optionally associate the document(s) with layers as shown below.

Uploading documents
  1. Click Upload in the popup shown above. The document will then be shown in the list of documents with a file document icon icon.

To upload documents, follow the steps below.

  1. Under Documents, click Upload Link and enter the URL to the desired document as well as a name for this linked document in the appropriate fields shown below.
Uploading document links
  1. Optionally assign tags and associate layers as per file documents.

  2. Click Upload in the popup shown above. The document link will then be shown in the list of documents with a document link icon icon.

# Edit a document

To edit a document's information, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the desired document by clicking its checkbox as shown below.
Choosing a document to edit
  1. Click the edit icon shown above.

  2. Filename, tags and layers can then be edited in the popup shown below.

Editing a document
  1. Click Save changes as shown above.

# Delete documents

To delete documents, follow the steps below.


Deleting a document cannot be undone and documents cannot be recovered after being deleted.

  1. Select the desired documents by clicking their checkboxes as shown below.
Deleting documents
  1. Click the delete icon shown above then click Confirm in the popup.
Last Updated: 26/09/2024