# Create a Civillo project

This guide helps administators create and manage projects within an organization.

# Create a new project

  1. Sign-in to your account.

  2. Find your organization and click Open.

Opening your organization

  1. Click Administration from the navigation bar.

Finding the administration button

  1. In the left sidebar, click Projects and then click Create.
Finding the New Project button
  1. Enter the name of your new project and click Create.

Finding the Create Button

  1. A pop-up screen will appear, to open the project now click open, otherwise click cancel. You can now find the project under Projects → Edit.

Project created popup


All administrators of the organization will be automatically added to the new project. See how to to manage project users below.

# Add users to a project

  1. Sign-in to your account.

  2. Find your organization and click Open.

Opening your organization

  1. Click Administration from the navigation bar.

Finding the administration button

  1. In the left sidebar, click Projects and then click Edit.
Finding the Manage Projects button
  1. Find the project you wish to manage and click the user icon on the bottom left-hand corner.

Project created popup

  1. Scroll down, select the user under Available Users to add to the project, click Save Changes and then Confirm.


Available users are users that are already members of the organization, in order to add new users (users who do not already have a Civillo account) to a project they must first be invited to join the organization. See Invite users

# Remove users from a project

  1. Follow steps 1-5 from above.
  2. Under Project users, scroll down or use the search bar to find and select a user.
  3. Click Save Changes and then Confirm.


Only members can be removed from projects, administrators cannot remove other administrators.

Last Updated: 09/05/2024