# Pending category signoff

# Description

When a permit is awaiting categories to be signed off, it is considered to be in the Pending category signoff state.

# Actions

# Permit requester

The permit requester may update the permit at this stage. The permit will remain in the Pending category signoff state.

  • If the permit has never been Active, the requester may choose to Cancel the permit.

# Category signoff user

Users assigned to any categories will have the option to either Request changes or Sign their categories.

  • Once all assigned users have Signed a category, it is considered approved. When all categories are approved, the permit will move to the Pending signoff state.

  • If the user requests changes, they will have the option to leave a comment explaining their reasoning or what changes they would like to see. This comment will be visible to the permit requester when they try and make the required changes. The permit will move to the Changes requested state and the requester will be prompted to update the permit. After this is done, the category sign off users will be notified to review the category again.

# Permit closer

If the permit has been Active at least once, a closer may choose to Close out the permit.

# Permit signoff user


Last Updated: 25/11/2024