# Active

# Description

When all signatures have been accumulated for a permit the permit may move on to the the Active state. If one or more permit holders are defined the permit will be available to be held and made active, otherwise it will happen automatically once the permit start time elapses. Once active the permit document becomes available. This document is available to anyone with the correct URL, even non-Civillo users.

# Actions

# Anyone

Anyone can view and accept the permit at this stage, provided they have the correct URL or QR code.

# Permit closer

Any permit closer may choose to Close out the permit at this stage. If any close-out categories exist the permit will become Pending close off, otherwise it will be Completed.

# Category signoff user


# Permit signoff user

Any permit signoff users will have the option to Revoke the permit.

# Permit holder

A permit may be defined to require a permit holder by specifying possible holders in the permit template. If so, then one of these users must hold the permit in order for it to become active. This holder is able to Relinquish the permit, which will return it to the Approved state and require it to be held again.

Last Updated: 25/11/2024