# Pending signoff
# Description
When all categories have been approved the permit sign off users have the opportunity to review the entire permit and approve or request changes. During this time it is considered to be in the Pending signoff state.
# Actions
# Permit requester
The permit requester may update the permit at this stage, in which case any existing category signoffs will be void and the permit will revert back to the Pending category signoff state.
# Category signoff user
# Permit signoff user
Any permit signoff users will have the option to either Sign, Amend or Request changes to the permit.
When all required signatures have been accumulated the permit will move the next stage. If the start time has elapsed and the permit doesn't require a holder, the permit will become Active. Otherwise, it will become Approved.
An amendment is when the user changes some of the details in the permit, along with an optional comment. They can then immediately Sign the permit if they choose.
If changes are requested, the permit will go back to the Changes requested state and the requester will be prompted to update the permit.
# Permit closer
If the permit has been Active at least once, a closer may choose to Close out the permit.