# How to add open categories to a permit

When configured on a permit template, open categories can be added to Active permits by anyone in the project with permits access. Unlike normal categories, open categories don't require anyone to sign them off; they are simply added to the document when complete.


There is a time limit on how many open categories you can add to each permit category: once every 10 minutes per user.

  1. Find the Permit You Want to Add an Open Category To

Follow the instructions on how to view a permit.

  1. Find the Relevant Open Category Section

If open categories have been configured on this permit and it is in the Active state, you will see one row in the panel for every open category.

  1. Add the Open Category

Click on the Green plus icon icon to open the category response dialog.

  1. Fill in the Responses

Each prompt will require a response before you can complete the open category. Note that unlike normal categories, you do not have to nominate a sign-off user at this point.

  1. Confirm

Once you're done, click confirm. The open category should be added to the permit document.

Last Updated: 13/06/2024