# How to update a permit


A permit is only updateable by the person who requested it.

Permits are only updateable when in the Pending category signoff or Changes requested state.

  1. Find the permit you want to progress

Follow the instructions on how to view a permit.

  1. Update the permit

Once you have updated the relevant fields, click on the Update permit icon icon to update the permit.

# Update fields

The updateable permit fields are:

# Valid from

Define a date and time from which you want this permit to be valid. The duration of a permit is defined at the template level.

# Description

A brief description of the intended purpose of this permit.

# Layers

Add or remove layers from this permit. These layers will show up in any map views associated with this permit. You can also click the Red bell icon icon to toggle alerts for these layers. If the data of a layer with alerts enabled is updated at any point during the permit lifecycle users will be prompted to review the permit before continuing.

Permit layers may also be assigned at the template category level. These layers cannot be removed or have their alerts enabled value updated.

# Categories

Update your category responses for this permit. Click on a category to open it up. Once you are finished updating the prompts, click "Confirm" to close the dialog. All category prompts must be completed before updating a permit.

# Legend layers only

If toggled on, the legend layer on the permit document will hide sublayers by default.

Last Updated: 06/09/2024