# How to progress a permit


A permit is only progressable by the person who requested it.

Permits are only progressable if they have at least one progression category defined in their template and when in the Approved or Active state. Furthermore, there must be at least one of these defined progression categories that have not already been added to the permit.

  1. Find the permit you want to progress

Follow the instructions on how to view a permit.

  1. Open the progress permit dialog

Under Actions in the permit summary panel, click Progress permit icon to open the progress permit dialog.

  1. Progression description

Give this progression a description that is unique to this permit. This is required to progress a permit.

  1. Progression categories

Select the progression categories you wish to include in this progression and fill out the prompts. You may also need to select the category sign off users for these categories.

  1. Confirm

Once you're done, click confirm. The new progression category will now require approval before the permit can be again signed off.

Last Updated: 06/08/2024