# How to close/cancel a permit


Permits can be closed or cancelled by the requestor, a permit controller or any permit signoff user.

  1. Find the permit you want to progress

Follow the instructions on how to view a permit.

  1. Close or Cancel the permit

From the permit summary panel, you can either:

  • Click the Cancel permit icon icon to cancel the permit. Permits that have not been approved will be cancellable. This simply cancels the permit without prompting you to fulfill any close out processes. After cancellation, the permit will be in the Cancelled state.

  • Click the Close out permit icon icon to close out the permit. Permits that are or ever have been approved will need to be closed out. You will be prompted to fill out any permit close-out categories before closing the permit. After close out, The permit will be in the Completed state.

Last Updated: 06/05/2024